How To Overcome The Stigma of Being Single

How To Overcome The Stigma of Being Single

Being single is brutal these days… When I was still with my ex-husband, I specifically remember a time at the grocery store where I felt this overwhelming shame about what I had in my shopping cart… See, I wasn’t much for cooking (the hubby did all that for me), so I’m walking through the aisles […]

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As a mentor to CEOs worldwide, she is directly responsible for adding significant revenue to her clients' bottom line. Adryenn founded Wow! Is Me, Inc. after developing a proprietary social media business system that works with both retail and service based businesses. Her elite consulting clients cover a broad spectrum of industries, including motion pictures, food distribution, artificial intelligence, and consulting firms. Adryenn earned her “high tech priestess” stripes by crashing computers and breaking into banks—at their request of course, and has owned bitcoin since 2009. Next, she applied her well honed techniques to turn fan engagement into #SocialTV profits with CrowdedTV, the world's first crowdfunding platform for broadcast television shows that goes a step further than just raising funds by raising sponsorship and distribution, too. They took their first project, Wake Up!, from idea to national broadcast tv in just 4 months. She designs and executes original social media campaigns that get massive exposure, like her “Smoking in Cars with Kids” campaign that reached 100M globally, 75M in the US. Now she is tackling sex, specifically women and sex and what it takes to get a girl to safely say yes! SmartDates, a naughty dating app for good girls, is starting conversations already around consent, and what it means to take personal responsibility for your actions.

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